Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Crunch Time

We are down to 5 days before we officially start year 2 of homeschool.  I am still digging through Sonlight's curriculum (our first year to try this one out).  It is definitely very extensive and being very detail oriented I am reading and re-reading all the notes.  Let me say I have always vowed that homeschooling is not for me!!!  I don't have the patience!  All people that homeschool are weird!  How on earth will the kids be well rounded?  This year will be a journey.  I'm just gonna let God work BIG in my life. 

Since I have shut down my etsy site and put a hold on cake making I am going crazy trying to find an outlet for my creative side.  Voila a blog!  I have toyed around with the idea of doing a blog and just never sat down and put my mind to it.  Recently I have been searching blogs for ideas to do with my preschoolers while I home school, specifically my 18 month old, Little Lou.  I ran into a wonderful home schooling journey blog- and loved it.  Very encouraging in so many ways.  This was the straw that broke the camel's back on THIS Johnson becoming a blogger and it did have some helpful hints on keeping my little one busy.

This fall I am involved in homeschooling a 6 year old (1st grade) Frita, a 3 year old (preK) Bub and trying to not put my crazy 18 month old Little Lou in front of the tv!  Little hands projects to come!  Other than that I am heading up Mom & Me at church, attempting to have an organized, inviting home, wrapping my mind around adding to our network of friends for my kids and I to be able to embrace the whole home schooling experience and conquering the couponing world!

The kids will be involved with BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), soccer for the oldest (that Rich coaches), Mom & Me events and AWANA.  Oh how I love AWANA for so many reasons, of course the writing of scriptures on the hearts of my babes is awesome but it does not hurt that Rich has volunteered every year which means all the kids go and I get a solid hour and a half to myself. 
In the years past this is when I conquered my grocery shopping but now it will be used to make sure my week is set up for school and activities.

For the past year or so I decided that I would get up early like 5am early and I have done it and love love love it.  In the past I have been a self proclaimed night owl which really was (for me) a huge waste of time that resulted in a very grumpy mommy in the morning.  So I will continue to do this and hopefully will get my God time in with BSF so that I can have some perspective on the day.  It will take a lot of God this year for me to begin to love homeschooling. 

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