Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Richard's 37th Birthday!

I am so behind on blogging since our computer charging cord when caput!  So I will be catching up little by little.

Richard decided that he wanted to go see Lion King in the theatre with kids.  My response was "Really?"  It was his birthday so ok off to the movies we would go with a 6 yr old, 3 yr old and 20 mo old.  My idea of tourture.  I for some reason had it in my head that Richard's birthday fell on a Thursday when in fact that it fell on a Tuesday so I was behind by 2 days in my planning but it all happened.

It turned out that the 3pm showing of Lion King on a Tuesday was not so popular - in fact we were the only people on in the theatre!  Thank you God.  The kids had a blast running up and down the stairs and each of them sat in no less than 30+ seats each. 
Next up was dinner.  We are humongos fans of sushi and new sushi place opened up and had happy hour sushi specials.  Since the kids have taken to eating our sushi we either go without them or find a place that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

It was one of the most stressfull meals I have ever eaten.  Very promplty Little Lou was trying to climb on the table, Bub put his straw through the side of a styrofoam cup spilling cranberry juice everywhere, there was screaming as to who would hold the baby doll and dinnner couldn't come quick enough.  Food finally arrived and the kids finally quited down that is until Little Lou put an entire blob of wasabi in her mouth.  I saw it go in but couldn't move quick enough.  Needless to say dinner was over, food was boxed up and a few quick pics and we were off. 

Everyone smile so we can leave.  Poor Little Lou still has tears in her eyes.

We ran home for cupcakes & presents (my favorite part)! 
  BarBQued chocolate cupcakes



I got this idea from TipJunkie.com with a few twists of my own.  All in all it went well and I think Rich had a great time!

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